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Installing the addons from download

Creating the addon yourself

In this tutorial I will show you how you can install the content addons when you download from my website's "GarryContent" Tab

First you should choose a mirror which you preffer. The recommended one is MEGA link as it is the most hassle free, but it does need a modern browser like firefox, chrome or safari etc. Some mirrors also have the files split in multiple files due to file size limit.


All the downloads are compressed into ".rar" format, for which you need a decompressing software. I personally recommend using WinRar or 7zip, but other applications could be capable as well.


The ".rar" files contain a folder with a certain name, for example "CSS Content Addon". Which in itself contains "materials, models, sounds ... etc." folders


That FOLDER you must place into the following directory on your computer.

Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons

Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/addons/


So overall folder structure should look something like this


Enjoy and happy gaming!

This Tutorial is there to teach you how to create an Content addons of various VALVE games to add their content into GarrysMod.

​In this example I was making an "Counter Strike : Source" Content Addon.


This is useful when you have Garrysmod on an different account or simply don't own the content game. For example you could just have your friend who owns the game help you out obtaining these files. If you don't have such friend, you could always download pre-made addons from my website under the "GarryContent" Tab .


First you must locate the relevant GCF files or a VPK file ( for Steam Pipe converted games ) with the filename ending with "_dir"


Using CS:S for example these would be the files to look for​​​

GCF                                                                                                            VPK                                           ​

\steamapps\counter-strike source shared.gcf                         \steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\cstrike_pak_dir.vpk


( note that some files ( GCF only ) might be distributed between multiple GCF files )

(Some files (ex. Maps) can be already extracted into folders natively by Steam. So check for files in the folders next to the VPK too.)



From those files select the following folders to extract : Materials, Models, Particles, Scripts, Sounds and Maps if you want.

( SteamPipe converted games will have maps already extracted in respective folders around the .vpk file. )


Right click the selected folders and select "Extract" and choose an preferably empty folder to extract into.​

Within the folder create a text file with the name "addon.txt". Inside the text file you must type something similar to this.


"name"    "Counter-Strike : Source Maps addon"
"version"   "2.0"
"up_date"   "10. March 2013"
"author_name"   "Kajar9"
"author_email"   ""
"author_url"   ""
"info"    "Counter Strike : Source Maps for those who don't have it"
"override"    "0"



Then place the whole folder into "Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons" and run the game.​

If you did everything right. You should see a lot less errors in-game and in maps using the Content game materials and models.


If you find yourself stuck somewhere and you can't get it working you can download

pre-made addons from my website under the "GarryContent" Tab


Also if you wish you can download spawnlist for all the Content addons from my website to easily spawn items in-game >>HERE<<

The spawnlist must be placed into "Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\settings\spawnlist\default" folder

-Maps, Addons, Music and Tutorials by Kajar9-

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