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I am definitely no super talented artist or anything, but as I like music and the creation of music myself, I have sometimes written down something aswell. Don't expect anything much, but your feedback is appreciated!
For my own creations, they are more to classical and jazzy genres, but you may find something totally out of this world in between =P.
Some of these pieces are just 5 minute things, not full pieces, but simply a moment of creativity that came and went as quicly as it came.
Secondly I like to write down music that I am learning into MIDI and electronical format or sometimes I get a song stuck in my head and only way to get rid of it is to write it down by my hearing, although sometimes I find a scoresheet and copy it from there, to learn how the song should sound in the end and learn it myself. (Most of these I can play on a Piano).
Most of the pieces have been put together using FL Studio
Thank you and I hope you enjoy atleast some of these.
Featured Track
Ika Musume - Ending theme of 2nd Season
Kanemoto Hisako - Kimi wo Shirukoto
I really loved this anime and it's ending theme, so I found a good transcription online, wrote it down and started learning it. This song is really enjoyable and recommend you to learn it too!
I made this soundtrack after BakaDuck's Transcription found on http://ichigos.com Anime Sheet music Website.
Original sheet downloadable down below!
Thank you for listening! I hope you enjoyed.
My own creations
My own creations